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The Journals of Lista Ends:
The World Of Fay:
Book 1 Wings of the Heart
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The Journals of Lista Ends
First week of first month of winter
Journal entry forty-five
The war started before I was born but the part I remembered was the battle in the castle of my parents. Let us start my story to that moment from the time of the cold days. It was when the first snowflake of winter fell and then the grounds of the castle turned red with blood. I was only five years of age when the war reach us. I had long blond hair that nearly touched the ground. I look more my mother than my father but I did have the shape of my father’s wings. My father insisted I stole my mother’s eyes and smile. However, my mother said I had my father’s wings, ears and nose.
My mother held me close to her as the pillars in the great hall moved. I watched mother’s wings wrapped around us as she held me even closer. It was her way to protect me. We were an old race know to us some as the “Majestic Ones.” We had powers unlike any in the world we came from “Earth.” We were the last know ones to exist.
The pillars moved slowly as the ground shook as they came to a sudden stop. My father stood in front of the doorway. When I looked through my mother’s arms the door to the room shattered. My mother’s shield around her stopped most of the wooden shards from striking us. My father held his sword ready while watching the door and stuck the first creature he saw. The world of monsters was at our doorsteps. He looked back when he was over run after killing so many of them.